
I’m a Latine filmmaker, screenwriter, and multi-media artist from Los Angeles, California (Glassell Park);  a first-generation graduate from Northwestern University; and a first-year graduate student at California Institute of the Arts. Learned in programs like RunwayAI, Unreal Engine 5, Unity, After Effects, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator, DaVinci Resolve, and Blender; I am a futurist. I imagine a media boundless by ideals yet embedded in a human-made reality, created by people like me. My storytelling and production skills span from music videos  and short narrative films to experimental documentaries which have been selected in festivals from the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) to the Defy Film Festival.

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I’m a Latine filmmaker, screenwriter, and artist from Los Angeles, California (Glassell Park);  a first-generation graduate from Northwestern University; and a first-year graduate student at California Institute of the Arts. Learned in programs like RunwayAI, Unreal Engine 5, Unity, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, and Blender; I, too, am a futurist. My storytelling and production skills span from music videos  and short narrative films to experimental documentaries which have been selected in festivals from the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) to the Defy Film Festival.


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A New Web

  • The relationship between siblings can be difficult in acknowledgement of the compounding dynamics that affect them separately, and thereby communally.  In ethnic households, entitlements such as “eldest daughter” and “only son” therefore not only hold value, but an array of highly-influential and defining experiences and expectations.

  • As the only son, I have certain perspectives that I have now retroactively considered with the awareness I have of womanhood and culture, hence growing an interest in how my older sister navigated her own issues and what she truly felt regarding her development. Thematically, she discusses hyperindependence, lack of attachments, difficulty making our mother understand her idea of “homemaking,” and the troubles being the frontrunner of “difference” in the standards of normalcy. Nevertheless, much like spiders, we both eventually must become independent, make our own decisions and home, and holistically, survive against the weathering of the day-to-day. Not having the opportunity to frequently converse, this is then an intimate conversation with my sister to figure these things out.
  • My Role:
  • Animator in 2D (drawings) and 3D (Unity)
  • Music Composer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Spider voiced by Alice Carlstrom.

film here.


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